Antoine Torcq
2D Rigger /Animator
Warhammer 40,000 :Shootas, Blood & Teef
( 2020 - 2022 )
Professionnal project made with the team at Rogueside studio.
Design made by Roland De Tomasi
Player character "Gargaz" setup / skins / animations

Different skins showing class and clan all included in the same character file.

The aiming system is the same for every weapon.
An "AimTarget" bone is linked with different IKs and constraints and called with code to be linked to the mouse, allowing the player to aim at 360° with a simple character flip.
Basic animation set for machinegun-like weapon.
Aim - Fire - Reload
Basic animation set for pistol-like weapon.
Aim - Fire - Reload
Basic animation set for shotgun-like weapon.
Aim - Fire - Reload
Setup and fake 3D

Some characters require specific setups for their weapons, like a chainsaw.
The Spine software also allow the creation of fake 3D effect using constraints and meshes.

Some examples of characters present in the game.
Each character have a basic set of movement animatons with exeptions for some ( idle, walk, run, jump, falling, crouch ) and attacks.

And finally, what every game truelly needs, big bosses !